The e-learning course on Multicultural Care in European ICUs

The e-learning course on Multicultural Care in European ICUs

The e-learning course on Multicultural Care in European ICUs will be available on from October 1, 2018 View full post…



SECOND MICE-ICU PROJECT MILESTONE REACHED: E-learning Course on Multicultural Care in ICU available from October 2018

The Erasmus+ project ‘Multicultural Care in European Intensive Care Units’ – MICE-ICU (2016– 2018) was initiated with the aim to develop a specialist multicultural course for ICU Nurses.

The project involved more than 500 nursing colleagues who analysed the intercultural training needs and competencies of European ICU nurses. On this basis they developed an elearning course on multicultural care dedicated to nurses working in intensive care environments.

The course was tested by 120 volunteers, intensive care colleagues from all over Europe, who agreed to work on this within the last weeks.

The analysis of the testing phase shows that European nursing care providers who participated and finished the course assessed it positively; the course increased their knowledge of multi-cultural competences and we can conclude that they have accepted it as a new way of life-long education.

The three course modules itself offer sound information about cultural awareness and sensitivity, culturally diverse patients in health care environments and deals with specific situations when caring for culturally diverse patients on ICU.

The participants will learn about the philosophical, ethical, legal and professional basis justifying non-discrimination principle regarding culturally diverse Patients, explains concepts of culture and ethnic minority, the different approaches to health and sickness by cultures, patterns of interpersonal communication, spiritual and religious expectations/practices intercultural care in boundary situations in ICU.

The European federation of Critical Care Nurses associations (EfCCNa), one of the strategic partners in this project, strongly recommends the syllabus and the course to all critical care colleagues in Europe as a great opportunity for real interactive e-learning.

From October 2018 the course is available on the MICE-ICU website

Stay updated and follow the project on Face book ( and/or the MICE-ICU web site (

Konferencja “Opieka Wielokulturowa w Oddziałach Intensywnej Terapii”

Konferencja “Opieka Wielokulturowa w Oddziałach Intensywnej Terapii”

Szanowni Państwo,

Nasilające się na świecie procesy migracji ludności stawiają coraz to nowe wyzwania przed systemami opieki zdrowotnej. Pracownicy ochrony zdrowia są coraz bardziej świadomi trudności napotykanych podczas świadczenia usług zdrowotnych populacji kulturowo i rasowo zróżnicowanej oraz konieczności podnoszenia wiedzy i umiejętności, pozwalających na sprawowanie opieki kompetentnej kulturowo. Wychodząc naprzeciw tym zmianom, Polskie Towarzystwo Pielęgniarek Anestezjologicznych i Intensywnej Opieki jako koordynator przygotowało projekt w ramach partnerstwa strategicznego, pt. “Multicultural Care in European Intensive Care Units – MICE-ICU” (numer projektu: 2016-1-PL01-KA202-026615), wspierający wymianę dobrych praktyk i zakładający wzmocnienie potencjału organizacji do działań na szczeblu krajowym oraz międzynarodowym. View full post…

Practice evening on multicultural communication in healthcare. Paderborn (Germany), September 18, 2018.

Practice evening on multicultural communication in healthcare. Paderborn (Germany), September 18, 2018.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

assist International HR ist ein in Paderborn ansässiges Personalentwicklungsunternehmen mit Schwerpunkt in der Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenz.  Aktuell wirken wir als Projektpartner in einem von der europäischen Union geförderten Projekt ‘Multicultural Care in European Intensive Care Units (MICE)’. View full post…

Final Programme Symposium on Multicultural Nursing Care in ICU ready!

Final Programme Symposium on Multicultural Nursing Care in ICU ready!

Download the Final Programme

MICE-ICU Erasmus+ Project – E-Bulletin – April 2018

MICE-ICU Erasmus+ Project – E-Bulletin – April 2018

The Erasmus+ project Multicultural Care in European Intensive Care units (MICE-ICU), started in October 2016 is now going into its final phase.

One of the desired intellectual outputs will be a specialized and accredited E-learning course on multicultural care dedicated to nurses working in intensive care environments and will offer real, interactive e-learning. The syllabus and the course will be recommended by the European federation of Critical Care Nurses associations (EfCCNa) and accredited by national bodies in each member country.

The course is now reading for testing – 120 volunteers, intensive care colleagues from all over Europe agreed to work on this within the next weeks.

Once the evaluation of the test results are done, the course will be available for public use on the MICE-ICU website .
Stay updated and follow the project on Face book ( and/or the MICE-ICU web site (

Symposium on Intercultural Nursing Care in ICU

Symposium on Intercultural Nursing Care in ICU

SAVE THE DATE: 14 September 2018

On behalf of the MICE-ICU project the European federation of Critical Care Nurses associations (EfCCNa) cordially invite all European critical care nurses to participate in this Symposium.
So, come to Amsterdam in September to this innovative and interesting event and learn more about cultural sensitive care in ICU. We are very much interested to share and discuss our findings with you.

More information can be found: here .

For Registration click here: Registration

Critical Care Nurses in Europe and abroad: Mark your calendar for September 14, 2018.

Critical Care Nurses in Europe and abroad: Mark your calendar for September 14, 2018.

2018 the Erasmus+ MICE-ICU project is going into its final phase. Currently the project members are working hard to finalize the programme of the Symposium on Intercultural Nursing Care in ICU, which is going to be held in September 2018 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
As soon as there are more details we will let you know.
So far we already invite all critical care nurses who are interested in cultural sensitive care in ICU to come to Amsterdam in September and participate in this innovative and interesting event.

Culturally Sensitive Care – an issue of growing interest

Culturally Sensitive Care – an issue of growing interest

The Brisbane Declaration on Culturally Sensitive Care was prepared during the annual WFCCN Congress 2016 in Brisbane, Australia by a working group of the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses with the objective to develop an international position statement that include recommendations to ensure the provision of culturally sensitive critical care nursing worldwide.


British Nursing Journal “Nursing in Critical Care”

British Nursing Journal “Nursing in Critical Care”

The European federation of Critical Care Nurses association (EfCCNa) and MICE-ICU Project group members Eva Barkestad (Sweden), Julie Benbenishty (Israel), Dr. Bronagh Blackwood (Northern Ireland), Irene Harth (Germany), Kaisa Jakobsson (Finland), Drago Satosek (Slovenia), Aleksandra Gutysz-Wojnicka (Poland) are happy to announce that their editorial about the project and its importance will be published in the September issue in the British Nursing Journal “Nursing in Critical Care”.

More details are available here: