The latest Eurostat data demonstrate that the population across EU-28 increased by 1.3 million people in 2015 alone and migration has become one of the key drivers of population change. This data confirms the thesis of dr A. Bischoff from Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (2003) and scientists from London`s Global University (2011) who noticed, that the cultural diversity will be one of the most important factor in health-care area.

The main aim

The main aim will be development of specialist and accredited multicultural course for ICU Nurses. The project will directly involve 520 ICU Nurses. 400 of them will take part in the intercultural training needs and competencies analysis, and 120 will test the e-learning course designed especially for them. Other ICU Nurses and Experts from different medical areas will participate in working groups organised in each country in order to consult the developed material.

Multicultural course

Intercultural course for ICU Nurses (course frame)

E-learning platform

Link to e-learning platform: lms.mice-icu.eu

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The e-learning course on Multicultural Care in European ICUs

The e-learning course on Multicultural Care in European ICUs

The e-learning course on Multicultural Care in European ICUs will be available on https://lms.mice-icu.eu/ from October 1, 2018



SECOND MICE-ICU PROJECT MILESTONE REACHED: E-learning Course on Multicultural Care in ICU available from October 2018 The Erasmus+ project ‘Multicultural Care in European Intensive Care Units’ – MICE-ICU (2016– 2018) was initiated with the aim to develop a specialist multicultural course for ICU Nurses. The project involved more than 500 nursing colleagues who analysed the intercultural training needs and competencies of European ICU nurses. On […]

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