MICE-ICU Erasmus+ Project – E-Bulletin – April 2018
The Erasmus+ project Multicultural Care in European Intensive Care units (MICE-ICU), started in October 2016 is now going into its final phase.
One of the desired intellectual outputs will be a specialized and accredited E-learning course on multicultural care dedicated to nurses working in intensive care environments and will offer real, interactive e-learning. The syllabus and the course will be recommended by the European federation of Critical Care Nurses associations (EfCCNa) and accredited by national bodies in each member country.
The course is now reading for testing – 120 volunteers, intensive care colleagues from all over Europe agreed to work on this within the next weeks.
Once the evaluation of the test results are done, the course will be available for public use on the MICE-ICU website .
Stay updated and follow the project on Face book (https://www.facebook.com/MiceICU/) and/or the MICE-ICU web site (http://mice-icu.eu/).